Columbus Residents: Here are 5 Benefits of an Acupuncture Membership

One of the fantastic benefits we offer here at Sean’s Massage Center is a monthly membership package for acupuncture treatments.  A Monthly Community Acupuncture Membership is sold for $69.00 a month, and a $15 initiation fee. This membership includes 4 treatments a month, and $10 for each additional treatment. Sounds good, but your next thought might be, why does this make sense for me? Here are just a few outcomes to consider when weighing the benefits of an acupuncture membership.

Acupuncture Membership Cost Savings

If you already know the benefits of acupuncture, the cost savings for you might be most attractive. A traditional single pay session of acupuncture currently runs $25.  Thus, the acupuncture membership offers a savings of $31 a month which equates to a free session every month over per session rates. If you are new to this treatment, a single session won’t always provide optimum results. Several treatments at this reduced rate are good for your pocketbook and your overall health. By allowing a more patterned use of acupuncture, it will improve the benefits of this time-honored treatment.

Peace of Mind with Membership

You can budget this part of your health maintenance like a bill each month, and not have to worry about coming up with a payment each time you visit our center. This investment in your health over time will pay dividends in peace of mind, stress reduction, as well as other digestive and medical benefits. When you feel pain, stress, or other imbalances in your body, having this membership allows you a sense of calm. Simply pick up that phone to book a session and let us get you back to the best life possible.

Stress Relief

Stress is a real part of this crazy world in which we all live. Acupuncture minimizes stress and allows us to live our best life possible without headaches, fatigue, and other side effects stress can induce. Acupuncture membership allows four treatments each month as part of this healthy additive to your overall wellness regime. Keeping your stress minimized on a regular basis helps in contributing to better health. More productive restful sleep and your higher energy levels are side effects of reduced stress.

Memberships Make Fantastic Gifts

We all have those friends that are hard to shop for because they have everything.  Everyone benefit from some much-needed healthier lifestyle support.  For this reason, as acupuncture helps your stress and well-being, you will want to share it with others.  The ability to gift a friend, family member, or maybe a coworker with something that will impact their happiness and health is wonderful. Having such a positive impact on someone’s happiness is going to be a fantastic alternative. This gift of less stress and better health will be appreciated more than a coffee mug or some other gift would.

Part of Healthy Lifestyle

While we have already touched on this, it must be said again that this acupuncture membership is a piece of an overall healthy lifestyle. Regular participation in physical activities, eating right, and acupuncture or massage helps keep our bodies tuned. This optimum mind and body balance is probably the best benefit that this acupuncture membership can provide. Knowing that you can schedule regular tune-ups to treat a chronic concern keeps additional symptoms at bay. Maybe just keeping your entire body and mind balanced and at its prime is the goal.  This objective will be accentuated by all the other benefits mentioned above. Whatever the reason, this acupuncture membership as a holistic part of your fitness regime is the best benefit of all.



Reliving Back Pain with Massage Therapy

Alternative forms of medicine are quickly gaining grounds as a natural way of improving health and also to seek relief from common conditions such as back ache. Although there can be a number of health conditions that can cause back ache, the most common reasons are strained or stretched muscles.


The easiest way of dealing with pain for most people is through popping over-the-counter pain relievers. Although effective, pain killers can also lead to over dependence which can over a period of time reduce their effectiveness. Another danger of popping pills is that can over burden the liver and the kidneys. When your liver is under stress, it impacts your metabolic rate and it can lead to all kinds of other health conditions that arise from a poorly functioning liver.


There is however, an increasing awareness against the usage of allopathic medicine for some of the more common conditions that plague the human body. Alternative medicine is one such option. People are actively looking for more traditional or alternative forms of medicine which also includes chiropractic and message therapy.


Chiropractors are very much in demand as their expertise revolves around manual therapy which includes manipulation of the spine, joints and soft tissue. Athletes and those in professional sports in particular frequent chiropractors for relief from pain.



Massage Therapy in Pain Relief

Massage therapy is not new. It has been used as way of relieving all kinds of health conditions for centuries now and was popularly practiced in a number of ancient civilizations such as Roman, Egyptian, Greek, Indian, and Chinese. Today however, massage therapy is actively used across the globe as an alternative form of medicine and is picking up in popularity.


Acupuncture and Reflexology are two of the most common forms of massage therapy. Chinese physicians can be largely credited with furthering the practice of acupuncture as way of improving balance. The basic concept being that for the body to be healthy, the life force, or ‘’qi’’ needs to be in balance. By stimulating specific pressure points spread across the human body, practitioners of acupuncture help in bringing about a balance. At Sean’s Massage Center, massage experts are trained in the knowledge of the body’s various pressure points (also called “acupoints”) which are used to help relieve common conditions such as back ache.


In Reflexology, which is also known as zone therapy, tension and other illness can be relieved by massaging what are known as reflex points. These points are spread across the feet, hands, and the head and are linked to different parts of the body. For relief from back pain, the practitioner applies pressure to reflex points on the feet as experts believe that different parts of the body are connected to reflex points on the feet. So stimulating these zone can actually help reduce and effectively eliminate back pain.


Although massage therapy is a highly effective and popular form of alternative medicine, care should be taken to approach only professionally licensed massage therapists. Anyone who is not trained in this massage therapy can do more harm than good.


To learn about the different massage therapy options available visit Sean’s Massage Center.